Terms and Conditions
In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way, in any Morby Sports, Inc. (“Morby” or “Morby sports”) programs, events or activities, I understand, acknowledge and agree to the following:
I understand the physical requirements of the program, event or activity in which I will be participating, and certify that I am physically fit and able to participate in the program, event or activity, and have not been advised otherwise by a qualified medical professional.
I agree to comply with any and all rules, regulations, terms and conditions for participation in the program, event or activity, including but not limited to the rules of any sport that I may participate in and the Participant’s Code of Conduct. I agree to inspect the equipment, facilities and premises to be used prior to participation. If I believe that anything is unsafe, I will inform Morby Sports officials, team captains, referees or facilities owners of the issue and refuse to participate if not corrected.
I acknowledge and fully understand that as a participant, I will be engaging in activities that involve risk of serious injury, including permanent disability and death, property loss and severe social and economic losses. These risks include, but are not limited to, those caused by: (a) the actions, inactions or negligence of Morby Sports, other participants, volunteers, spectators, coaches, event officials, referees and organizers; (b) conditions of the premises, facilities or equipment used; (c) rules of play; (d) weather conditions; (e) the skill, ability and condition of other participants, and their failure to abide by the rules, regulations, terms and conditions for participation in the program, event or activity; and, (f) vehicular traffic. I further acknowledge and fully understand that there may also be other risks that are not known or foreseeable at this time. Morby Sports cannot control these risks, nor has Morby Sports judged my skill level or ability prior to allowing me to participate and consequently is not in a position to guarantee my personal health or safety during my participation in the programs, events or activities. I KNOWINGLY, INTELLIGENTLY AND VOLUNTARILY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, BOTH KNOWN AND UNKNOWN, ANTICIPATED AND UNANTICIPATED, FORESEEABLE AND UNFORESEEABLE, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF Morby Sports OR OTHERS, AND I ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR MY PARTICIPATION.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS CONCERNING COVID-19: I understand that: (a) the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization and that COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread from person-to-person contact and potentially through airborne transmission; (b) it is believed that an individual can be infected with COVID-19 without their knowledge and be asymptomatic; (c) Morby Sports has put in place preventive measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 but Morby Sports cannot guarantee that I or anyone else will not become infected with COVID-19, including my spouse, roommates, guests, unborn child, or relatives; and (d) participation in Gigi programs, events, or activities, could increase the risk of contracting COVID-19. By signing this agreement, I ACKNOWLEDGE the contagious nature of COVID-19 and VOLUNTARILY ASSUME THE RISK that I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by participating in Morby Sports programs, events, or activities, and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death to myself, my spouse, roommates, guests, unborn child, or relatives. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at Morby Sports programs, events, or activities may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself or others, including, but not limited to, Morby Sports employees, volunteers, and program participants. I UNDERSTAND AND VOLUNTARILY ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALL THE FOREGOING RISKS RELATED TO COVID-19 AND ACCEPT SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY INJURY OR ILLNESS THAT MAY OCCUR. FURTHER, I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT THIS RELEASE INCLUDES ANY CLAIMS BASED ON THE ACTIONS, OMISSIONS, OR NEGLIGENCE OF Morby Sports ITS EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, AND REPRESENTATIVES, WHETHER A COVID-19 INFECTION OCCURS BEFORE, DURING, OR AFTER PARTICIPATION IN ANY GIGI PROGRAMS, EVENTS, OR ACTIVITIES.
PARTICIPANT RESPONSIBILITIES CONCERNING COVID-19: I agree that I will not participate in Morby Sports programs, events or activities if I am not feeling well and that by attending any Morby Sports programs, events or activities I am certifying each time that: (a) I am not experiencing, and have not experienced onset in the prior 10 days of, any COVID-19 symptoms, including, but not limited to: fever of 100°F or higher, cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, diarrhea, new loss of taste or smell, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, inability to wake or stay awake, bluish lips or face; (b) I have not tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days; (c) I have not had close contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case in the past 14 days; and (d) I am not subject to quarantine or isolation requirements. I agree that I will follow Morby Sports protocols for health prescreening and reporting the results of prescreening prior to attending any Gigi program, event or activity, and I agree to report immediately to Morby Sports if I test positive for COVID-19 or have been exposed to an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT Morby Sports MAY BE REQUIRED BY LAW TO INFORM GOVERNMENT HEALTH AND OTHER OFFICIALS OF SUCH POSITIVE TEST OR POTENTIAL EXPOSURE, AND I CONSENT TO MY NAME, CONTACT INFORMATION, AND EXPOSURE STATUS TO BE DISCLOSED TO SUCH OFFICIALS WHERE REQUIRED. I agree to cooperate with contact tracing deemed necessary by Morby Sports and/or public health officials.
I, on behalf of myself, my heirs, beneficiaries, executors, administrators, personal representatives and assigns, HEREBY WAIVE, RELEASE, DISCHARGE, AND AGREE NOT TO SUE Morby Sports, any of its affiliates, subsidiaries or parents, or any of its or their managers, members, directors, officers, employees, volunteers, representatives, agents, coaches and referees, and other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers and if applicable, owners and lessors of equipment, facilities and premises used to conduct the programs, events or activities (collectively the “Releasees”), from any and all claims for damages, injuries, losses, liabilities and expenses, including claims based on any Releasee’s negligence, which I may have or which may subsequently accrue to me, relating to, resulting from or arising out of my use and/or participation in any programs, events or activities of Morby Sports, including any injury or damage to my person or property, or to that of any other person or property.
I agree to indemnify, defend and hold the Releasees harmless from and against any and all claims for damages, injuries, losses, liabilities and expenses incurred by Morby Sports relating to, resulting from or arising out of my participation in any Morby Sports program, event or activity.
I consent to have medical treatment that may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident and/or illness during any program, event or activity. I release Morby Sports and all persons participating in any such medical treatment from all responsibility for any such actions.
I hereby grant to Morby Sports and those acting with its authority, the right to photograph, videotape, or otherwise capture or collect my likeness, voice and sounds (the “Content”) during my participation in the Morby Sports program, event or activity. I further acknowledge the Content to be works made for hire, and otherwise irrevocably assign and grant to Morby Sports all rights in this Content and the right to use or sublicense the Content and my name, likeness, and biography, in Morby Sports’s discretion, in all media and in all forms and for all purposes, including without limitation, advertising and other promotions for Morby Sports, without any further consideration to me or any limitation whatsoever.
I intend that this Waiver and Release of Liability shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law.
CODE OF CONDUCT: The Participant’s Code of Conduct applies to all Morby Sports participants. This code applies to players as individuals or as a team, and the penalties can apply to any individual or an entire team. This code becomes effective as soon as participants arrive at the facility of play and remains in effect until the participants leave the facility.
The purpose of the Participant’s Code of Conduct is to promote a safe and fun environment for all participants in the Gigi community. All Morby Sports participants should exhibit ethical, respectful and sportsmanlike conduct. Morby Sports celebrates diversity, equity, and inclusion, and prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
The Participant’s Code of Conduct is subject to change without notice.
No Participant Shall:
Express any derogatory, discriminatory or unwelcome comments based on or in reference to race, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Engage in any physical or verbal sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is unwanted, unacceptable, inappropriate or offensive behavior of a sexual nature that affects the dignity of another player and creates an intimidating, hostile, unstable or offensive play environment.
Lay hand upon, push, shove, strike or threaten an official, employee, participant or spectator.
Endanger the safety of any official, employee, participant or spectator.
Refuse to abide by an official’s decision.
Demonstrate objectionable behavior or dissent at an official’s decision by throwing equipment or any other forceful action.
Discuss with an official, in any manner, the decision reached by such official (exception is made for team captains).
Verbally or physically abuse any official for any decision or judgment.
Verbally or physically abuse any participant.
Engage in overly physical play or use unnecessary rough tactics against another participant.
Discuss publicly in a derogatory manner any play, decision, or personal opinion of other participants.
Smoke at the facility.
Possess or consume alcohol at the facility.
Appear in an intoxicated condition at the facility.
Display a lack of respect or care for facilities.
Knowingly engage in illegal activities.
Play under another individual’s name, falsified name, or falsified address on an official roster.
Promote any product or competing league to officials, employees, participants or spectators.
Purposely disregard Morby Sports league rules. In addition, participants are liable for damage to equipment or the facility.
Not following the Participant’s Code of Conduct could result in penalties such as:
Warning by official
Suspension from games without refund
Removal from the league without refund
All participants must be on the roster and sign the waiver prior to participation or be subject to game forfeiture or disqualification.

Morby Sports LLC
16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware 19958, USA